Parenting chart for foreign residents
What is the Maternal and Child health handbook (Boshi Techo)?
Home visit to mother and child
General hospitals with an obstetrics department are where the majority of Japanese women give birth. It is recommended that you make a reservation of delivery during your early pregnancy. If you do not know where to give birth, you can consult/find information at the municipal office.
Please notify the municipal office of your pregnancy (NINSHIN TODOKE). At the municipal office, a Maternal and Child Health Handbook (BOSHI TECHO) will be issued to you. The Maternal and Child Health Handbook consists of health records of mother and child. You will receive health checkup tickets that you can use for health checkups for pregnant women at public expense.
※The Maternal and Child Health Handbook is available in several languages.
The average childbirth in Japan is ¥500,000. When a member of National Health Insurance or Social Insurance gives birth, a Childbirth Lump Sum Grant is made (¥500,000). It is advisable to obtain the application form in advance at your medical institution.
※Information is current as of April 2023.
At Mothers’/Parents’ classes (HAHAOYA GAKKYU), held in maternity hospitals or the municipal office, you will learn about childbirth and the basics to care for your newborn baby.
In Japan, mothers generally stay in a hospital for about 5 days after delivery. Get yourself ready and pack all the essentials you’ll need during labor and birth in advance. In addition, please make arrangements to be sure of how you will get to the hospital.
While in the hospital, the newborn will be tested for a group of health disorders.
(Prior application is required for the hearing test.)
The birth should be registered at the municipal office of your place of residence within 14 days.
Babies and children’s medlcal subsidy eligibility card (SHOUNI一IRYOU-SHOU) will be issued for the baby from the date of birth and you will receive a free health checkup, However, the terms and conditions depend on the municipality. So please check the details at the municipal office of your place of residence.
Baby’s health insurance
You can apply for your baby’s health insurance card at the same time if you are a member of National Health Insurance. (For members of Social lnsurance, you can apply at your work by Baby’s One-month Checkup.)
A child allowance (JIDOU-TEATE) is paid to persons who have registered as residents in Japan and are raising children (up to Jr. High school student) who meet the requirements to receive a child allowance. (There is an income limit.)
Birth contact sheet (SHUSSEI RENRAKUHYOU) is used for home visit for the newborn baby. The sheet is usually attached to Matemal and Child Health Handbook. Please do not forget to submit.
For immigration procedures, you need to go to the municipal office and get “Certificate of Acceptance of Birth Report” and “Certificate of Residence” of baby and guardian.
●Application for baby’s residence status must be made within 30 days after birth at the Immigration Bureau.
●You will need to register your newborn baby at the embassy/consulate of your nationality.
Doctors check your baby’s development and health as well as mother’s recovery at the hospital where you gave birth.
Nurses or midwives from the municipal office will visit a newborn’s house within 4 months after birth. They will give guidance to mothers of newborns and check the baby’s weight and development.
Infants get their first vaccination shot at around 2 months old. Routine vaccinations are all free of charge if you have coupons provided by municipal health office. Please follow the Japanese vaccination schedule chart.
Choose a home doctor and confirm Holiday/Night Clinics in your area.
The municipal office will send you guidance about baby/infant checkup(NYUYOUJI KENSHIN). Please make sure to get these checkups. Find out whether the checkup will be provided at the municipal office or the hospital.
● 4-month checkup
● 8-10 month checkup(There are some places that do not provide this checkup.)
● 18-month checkup
● 3-years checkup(or 3 years and 6 months)
● 4か月児健診
● 8~10か月児健診(市区町村によって行われない場合もあり)
● 1歳6か月児健診
● 3歳児健診(または3歳6か月児健診)
The child care support center is a place where children(preschoolers), moms, dads, grandparents, and guardians can play, learn, and relax together. They offer parenting consultation and support.
If both parents are working, you may need to place your baby in a nursery school (HOIKUEN).
Apply for a place in an authorized nursery at your municipal office. Please start the application process well in advance.
Day care costs vary according to the family income.
If your children are not in a nursery school, they can enter Kindergarten (YOUCHIEN) in the April following their 3rd birthday until the time they enter elementary school. This will help them to learn about Japanese society and cooperating in groups before starting school Ear|y childhood center (KODOMOEN) are located in Kindergartens in some municipalities For further details, please ask at the municipal office.
The “Guidance letter for entering school(SHUGAKU ANNAI)” is sent out by the municipal office to those applicants who have a child of foreign nationality. The child can enter a Japanese public school by requesting entry at a local board of education or the municipal office. If the child is a Japanese national, these procedures are not required. The school attendance notice(SHUGAKU TSUUCHI)will be sent by the municipal office. In addition, please make sure to get a health checkup and attend a new student orientation before entrance.